Does Flutter Have The Power to Set Trend In 2020?

Being the new framework in the market, flutter has already won many hearts and is bound to do so in the future too. This functional and reliable mobile users interface helps in providing users with Android and iOS mobile applications with a single code base that makes the organization invest in the platform.

Mobile App Development Company and developers have realized that flutter app is one of the platforms that would manage to stay in the market for a longer duration with a massive impact on the audience that is around.

So the question now is - Is Flutter mature enough to set the trend in the year 2020 and be one of the most sort afters platforms?
Can flutter present the audience with trending features that would make their app a unique platform?

Let’s find out!

Flutter and the Overview

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile framework that is constructed by Google. In other words, it allows the user to create a native mobile application with the help of only one codebase. Android App Development Company or iOS development organization can benefits big time form this platform. Flutter consists of two most important things that help it to set apart from other platforms in the market:

    1. An SDK (software development kit) which is a collection of tools that are going to help the user to develop the application. This includes the tools to combine the code into native machine code. (code that is there for iOS and Android)

    2. A framework (UI library based on widgets) is a collection of reusable UI elements (buttons, sliders, text inputs) that have the tendency to personalize your own needs.

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit that is used for building a beautiful, native, complied application from a single code base.

How flutter Demand in the Market is Growing Trend in 2020?

Before you hire mobile app developer, make sure that you are aware of some of the famous trends. Now that you are aware of the fact that of what flutter does to the app and why is it used let’s see the facts that would reflect on why it is a prime growing technology.

    1. Time Saver

Flutter is categorized as a modern framework and having the hot reload feature there is no need for the user to spend any amount of time on deployment like in the regular programming. The user can apply to all the changes instantly without actually losing the current application state. Fixing bugs, constructing the UI’s, addition of brand new features with no requirements to compromise on speed and development, flutter is one of its kinds.

    2. Similar User Interface and the logics in the Platform

One of the biggest advantages of Flutter is a common UI pattern that is extracted out to the reusable widgets. It manages to eliminate the need to individually set the user interface pattern such as the colour, styling etc. The user can adjust UI and also the business logs globally with the edition of the code that is both for iOS and for Android.

    3. Perfect for MVP

A minimal viable product is one of the most significant and efficient approaches that manage to validate a good business idea. It provides a good direction to prevent any type of business failures as the user can easily get back to feedbacks and the need of customers. As to the high speed, ease of communication, flexible UI, flutter has become a perfect choice to construct mobile MVP.

    4. Same as the Native App

You might be aware of the fact that flutter app is written in dart language, this tends to eliminate javascript bridge and it complies to the native machine codes. This lets the Android App Developer compile and release an application that is much faster than any user would know or do it.

    5. App Responsiveness

Flutter app can be operated on any present platform that is functioning properly with no actual change to that of a dart code or maybe preservation of outstanding designs on the platform. Flutter app development has also provided the audience to move forward from mobile and new opportunities for the desktop and web that is active in use.

    6. The Hot Reload Feature

Apart from being a perfect joy for the developers out there flutter also tends to provide the user with hot reload feature. Hot reload feature is an extremely beneficial feature for the designer-developer cooperation. It is more like a situation where when a designer tends to implement changes on the user interface, the developer is also able to see those as soon as they are implemented. 

    7. Highly Responsive

Flutter app tends to have high responsiveness. They tend to run on any type of platforms that manages to totally function to the dart code. The application has moved ahead from the mobile application to a new opportunity in the desktop and the web applications that are active today. With this feature, it becomes quite evident that flutter mobile application is the game-changer of today’s technology.

    8. Fabrication of Widgets

Before you Hire Android Developer or iOS developer make sure that you know their steps. To construct any type of user interface and user experience in the application flutter combines to form a digital transformation and experience to the user. Not only this, but the user also constructs widgets as per the needs and they save it for further use too.

    9. It is supported by Android Studio and VS Code

 Flutter is one platform which is available on different IDEs. Two of the main code editors for developing with this technology are Android Studio (IntelliJ) and VS Code. Android Studio is marked as complete software. With everything integrated the user have to download flutter and dart plugin, to begin with. VS code is a lightweight tool where everything is configurable through the plugin from the marketplace.

    10. Libraries and the Documentation

In spite of being new in the market, flutter has an abundance of libraries that would help them to achieve any level of functionality in the app. Moreover onboarding the new members and developers are extremely simple flutter. Since Google is pushing flutter so vigorously they made it a point that they prepare excellent documentation for a flutter with every feature functionality and the practice documentation details to board it swiftly.

Flutter, The Future and Flutter Developers

The use of flutter tends to become commonplace for the users utilizing it. In the year 2019 (May) the platform brought a new version of itself (flutter 1.7). The increasing rate of the adoption of the framework is the result of the incredible features and the benefits that it offers. Moreover, the continuous measurement of the community for polishing for the framework is eligible to take it ahead in the year 2020. It does not have any limitations like native platforms or supporting up of the native codebase. Undoubtely the future look tends to provide a bright future for the SDK in the year 2020


Without any further mist, we can undoubtedly say that flutter is the game-changer in the cross-platform development world and also for App Development Company. These features make it competitive for the place to be the best in the class other among mobile app development tools. And with the introduction to the new version of flutter, the platform would not only help the app developers in constructing a cross-platform, but it would also provide them with amazing UI/UX views and high native app performance.

We hope that this article has provided you with some of the best inputs on flutter and the trends that are related to it. If the user has any doubts about the following topic then they can write to us on the comment section below, our experts would provide you with the necessary aid and solution for the same.


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